
A new day dawns in Milton

April 5, 2013

There was a wonderful feeling in the room, buoyed by much applause for new councilpersons John Collier and Mike Cote and especially by the sustained applause and a standing ovation for the new mayor.

Mayor Jones then recessed the meeting, explaining there was time being set aside for a bit of a celebration.  She explained how this time would allow the over 100 citizens present to talk with outgoing Mayor Cliff Newlands and outgoing Councilperson Norman Lester, as well - time to thank them for their service, as well as celebrate the start of different directions for Milton.  This was a lovely gesture made expressly to include, well, everyone!

The former mayor and outgoing Councilperson Lester did linger in the hallway for a few minutes, but soon left.  How unfortunate. In my opinion, how much better for them and all assembled had they stayed. Their leaving allowed them no opportunity to affirm in the public's view, their respective part in Milton's history, nor did it allow for positive indication as to what part they might play in everyone's future.  We can only hope they will find opportunities to contribute to their community in the ways they so choose.  And of course, I am confident everyone wishes them well.

As to the reception itself, the time taken to revel in the hoped for fresh start and all the possibilities for Milton, this aspect was so empowering. It was quite simply, cakes and cookies and, yes, a little time set aside to celebrate - maybe even count our collective blessings as Milton looks ahead.  And for this town, that there are those on council and I know this includes Mayor Jones, who fully understand the importance of taking just such a break, well, it makes the ordinary sublime and the sublime a future reference point; meaning, our town should acknowledge such a good feeling in a room of over one hundred citizens whenever possible.  It sure can't hurt!

Good sense, common sense; building community -  mayor and council, you have the power - super power!  Thank you for the reception and after all, who in his right mind doesn't like a bit of a party?

Jeff Dailey

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