
Not defending any political party

October 25, 2013

I have been following your articles in the Cape Gazette for awhile now and have been meaning to respond however this last article from Oct. 1 got my ire.

First let me explain where I am coming from. If we must use labels then I would be guilty of being an Independent Libertarian Conservative Constitutionalists. This I am afraid puts me into a very small minority due to the fact that most people do not read our Constitution.

First point is we have a failed two party system by which today we see the dysfunction with deficit spending, over-reaching government authority, a president who has no clue on how to lead, a Senate that has a leader equal to the grim reaper, gridlock on all sides and a basic failure to communicate. This I lay squarely on the president. Since he has taken office he has been extremely divisive, and yes he is a brilliant politician. However the people in his camp I do not trust, nor should any of us trust these ulterior motives.

Second Point: Increase the debt ceiling? Well Don, we as nation are bankrupt and the lie in Washington is to go on as if there isn't a bankruptcy: $17 trillion and counting with the projection of $20 trillion debt in 2016.

The Tea Party's whole platform is to stop the bleeding and start to address deficit spending by cutting government where necessary and use basic fiscal disciplines like most of us that run a small business or even a basic household.

Don't get me wrong; I am not defending any party here, just trying to state facts based on what I know to be true and what I understand from an intellectual standpoint based on our nation's founding principles.

Let's make no mistake that there has been great disservices by all parties as well as all administrations going back to the days starting with Truman. The blame game gets very old, and I believe that the only recourse is for people to tell the truth and act upon the truth and of course demand better from our government by holding all parties accountable by voting out the bums all the time and keep the doors in D.C. revolving ! That way, maybe you or I get to go to D.C. for two years and then maybe the landscaper or bricklayer as our founding fathers intended. It would be a welcomed change from all those attorneys in D.C. for sure!

Mike McAnally

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