
Let’s stop whining about state park

November 15, 2022

Can someone please explain to me all the ruckus over the proposed restaurant at Cape Henlopen State Park and the updated plans for driving onto the beaches? How can you say the restaurant is going to be such a terrible thing and allow a pollution-emitting, dune-destroying, trash-bearing population converge on our beaches? The simple answer is to take us back 50 years. Want to go to the beach? Drive to the state parks, park your vehicle and walk to the beach. Parking lot full? Close the access until lots start to empty. Problem solved. No more whining about the restaurant, driving on the beaches.

Yes, this is a tourist-driven area, but there's plenty of money to be made elsewhere. I've lived here my entire 68 years, and I hate seeing the destruction that has taken place in Sussex County. Let's make an attempt at starting over, save our beaches. We've already ruined our inlands. 

Wendy Harpster


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