The Women’s Club of Milton would like to thank the Town of Milton, its residents and all our out-of-town visitors for supporting and attending our 2022 Holiday House Tour. After two years off due to COVID-19, this year’s tour was our most successful yet!
The Women’s Club cannot thank our gracious homeowners enough for opening their homes for the tour. Thank you Jim Abbott and John Raup; Richard Seiss and Steve Xander; Mary Lou and Jack Kramer; Jim Prettyman; Karen Bierman; Cathy Orleman and Bill Kirk; Peggy and Jerry Carroll; Geri Ludlam and Connie Heindel; and Debbie Doobay and Mike Terre. Your homes were beautifully decorated to showcase Milton’s history and the warmth of the holiday season.
An enormous thank you also goes to the Milton Historical Society, the Milton Arts Guild and town hall for participating as sites on the tour. Special thanks to Mayor John Collier and Town Manager Kristy Rogers for being a part of the festivities.
A huge thank you goes out to the merchants who took time to sell our tour books/tickets: The Mercantile at Milton, Salon Milton, Lavender Fields and Lewes Gourmet. We are most grateful.
Also, thank you to the generous businesses and friends who advertised in our tour book. Special thanks to Randi Meredith for designing our tour book and to Deny Howeth for taking photos of the tour. And thanks also to the Milton Chamber of Commerce for promoting our tour as part of their Holly Festival activities.
Another great big thank you goes to the more than 70 docents who volunteered their time and made our visitors feel so welcomed. Docents were from the Women’s Club of Milton, Milton Garden Club, and other local organizations and residents.
And last, but certainly not least, a giant thank you goes to the Women’s Club of Milton Holiday House Tour/Fundraising Committee which worked tirelessly on this project for the past six months.
The Holiday House Tour is the Women’s Club’s biggest fundraiser of the year. From the proceeds of this event and several others, such as the Holly Festival Women’s Club Bake Sale, Quilt and 50/50 raffles, and Spring Bingo, we give back to the Town of Milton. We will once again be able to provide at least $6,000 in college scholarships to Milton high school graduates, to make donations to other local nonprofit organizations and to fund various town events.
Again, thank you to all for making this year’s tour such a grand success! Best wishes to everyone for a very happy holiday season!