
Save-a-Tooth kit put to good use for Sussex Academy student

February 3, 2020

Last February, Dr. Jonathan Johnson donated Save-a-Tooth kits to all eight schools in the Cape Henlopen School District, as well as Sussex Academy and Delmarva Christian.

The purpose of these kits is to keep a tooth alive for 24 hours after it has been knocked out, effectively buying a person some time until they can see a dentist.

Sussex Academy nurse Marilou Conlin recently informed Johnson that one of these emergency kits was put to good use.

In December, eighth-grader Sophie Noon was sitting in science class when she fainted, hitting the tile floor face first and knocking out half of her front tooth. Her quick-thinking teacher was able to locate the tooth and provide it to Conlin, who put it in the Save-a-Tooth kit that Johnson donated.

Noon was treated and released at Beebe Healthcare, and her tooth was successfully repaired by her dentist, Dr. Susan Vickers.

Johnson has donated a replacement kit to the school, and he is happy to report that Sophie is OK and still smiling.



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