
Transparency and science are important

October 11, 2019

This is in response to the Sept. 6 letter to the editor titled “Keep an open mind on Lewes development” written by a life science teacher who is married to a real estate agent affiliated with The Fisher Cove development (a fact that was not disclosed in the letter). 

I agree that we should rely on science when making decisions to approve developments. This is an important issue, but so is transparency.  We should follow the true science as put forward by certified hydrologists and not opinions that are quoted from articles about unrelated developments. This means that smart, safe growth is necessary, not skewed or biased growth. 

All development approvals should take into account the dangers of flooding and the cost of water damage to adjacent properties.  

My objections to the current Fisher Cove development are as follows: 

1. The plan eliminates the beneficial effects of the flood plain, which absorbs and filters the runoff of flood water in a natural manner; and   

2. The construction of barriers around the flood plain will divert storm surges onto the neighboring properties. Impervious surfaces will exacerbate the runoff and raise the potential of adding pollutants into the canal.

The premise of the previous letter implored us to “keep an open mind.” I agree. This means that we heed the importance of the hazards presented to the surrounding neighborhoods and give credence to those citizens who fear any deleterious impacts. 

Richard Palmer, MD
Lewes citizen who loves our city

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