
Women’s Suffrage commemorated with march on Dover Green

August 30, 2020
Members of the Delaware State Federation of Women’s Clubs from throughout the state participated Aug. 26 in the First State Heritage Park’s Suffragist March on the Dover Green, marking the 100th anniversary guaranteeing and protecting women’s right to vote.
The event was held on Women’s Equality Day, commemorating the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
Federation President Rita Hollada spoke to the crowd, outlining the groundbreaking efforts of the suffragists’ decades-long struggle to secure equality under the law. The Delaware federation is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, an organization founded in 1890 that was instrumental in helping secure the passage of the 19th Amendment by affirming that suffrage had become a mainstream cause for women from every part of the country.
The DSFWC is composed of 20 community women’s clubs located throughout Delaware and is one of 50 state federations that comprise the GFWC, the world’s largest and oldest nonpartisan, nondenominational women’s volunteer service organization.

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