
Intuitive Workshop set in Lewes Nov. 12

Preregistration is required
November 3, 2016

Many people have had unexplainable experiences where they knew someone was in trouble or something was about to happen. These waves of insight seemingly come from out of nowhere. When listened to, these flashes of knowing help people make better decisions and take actions they may not have otherwise taken.

Everyone is born with innate intuitive abilities. The Merriam-Wester dictionary defines intuition as "a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence." Like all inborn abilities, one’s practice of using intuition can make the ability even stronger and more beneficial to them. Most successful people are using their skill of intuition on a regular basis to make decisions everyday.

Catrina Stiller, LPCMH, NCC of Quakertown Wellness Center is hosting a workshop, Using Your Intuition For Success. This workshop is designed to help individuals learn how to tap into their intuitive abilities,  skill which will aid people in making better life decisions by bringing parts of the unconscious and conscious minds together. The course will include practical daily exercises people can do to enhance their ability. Participants will also practice sharing their intuitive insights with others after receiving guided instruction and sample demonstrations.

Using Your Intuition For Success is being held Saturday, Nov. 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lewes Public Library. Go to to learn more. Preregistration is required and can be done by contacting Catrina Stiller at 917-524-7803 or emailing her at

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