
“The Powerof Faith” with Rev. Sandy Boyer

- Private group -
June 5, 2018

Story Location:
98 Rudder Road
Suite 1-A
Millsboro, DE 19966
United States

Rev. Sandy Boyer visits Unity of Rehoboth Beach Sunday. She will present a Lesson on “The Power of Faith.”  Rev. Boyer is the minister at Unity of Hagerstown.  Unity f Rehoboth Beach’s Spiritual Center is located at 98 Rudder Rd., Long Neck.  Unity is a practical, progressive approach to spiritual connection, based on the power of prayer.We honor the universal wisdom in all religions, respecting an individual’s right to choose their own path. Our services and classes focus on the teachings of Jesus, as well as Buddha, Gandhi and many other wise teachers.

Service starts at 10 AM.  Please join us.

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