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December 28, 2016

Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation is based in tantric practices. It is about embodied spirituality. You can do all your day–to–day life just as always, but you do it from a very different level. Knowing you are divine is powerful. Always remember, divine mantra is the key to lessen the pressure of mundane activities in life. 

Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation places you in the channel of Grace. Poses and breathing aligns you in the path of Grace. Then Grace takes care of you. Meditation intensifies your alignment with Grace – the goal of KNOWING YOU ARE DIVINE!

Once you know you are Divine, you do these things from a deeper place in yourself. When you learn you are divine in the mundane activities of life, you will also find your BIG “S” SELF. You will also find that you are an individual and divine essence – all at the same time.

In Swami Nirmalananda’s comment on the translation above, she states the most powerful changes are inside – the opening your heart, your mind, and your experience of your own Divinity. That that these changes are predictable. Yoga promises this. Once you realize you are Shiva, yoga works it wonders FOR YOU, and IN YOU. For you as it can bring joy while doing mundane things in your everyday life. And in you as you will never be the same. You feel so expansive inside – so much joy.

And mantra and meditation are the tools to get you to experience the Self. So, do more mantra and meditate on a daily basis.

[Source:  Teachings by Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati, spiritual leader and master teacher at Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram in Pennsylvania. (C) 2014, S.T.C., Inc., All right reserved. Svaroopa® is a registered service mark of S.T.C., Inc.]

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