
Preventing Colon Cancer with Diet and Nutrition

March 21, 2017

Poor eating habits significantly impact overall health and can lead to life-threatening conditions such as heart attack and diabetes. Colon cancer isn’t typically the first thing to come to mind when addressing diet concerns. However, according to the American Cancer Society the links between diet, weight, and exercise and colon cancer risk are some of the strongest for any type of cancer.

March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Bayhealth Colorectal Surgeon Elsa Goldstein, MD, offers diet tips for a healthy colon. She suggests reading the ingredients listed on food labels to choose the best option. “Avoid foods where the ingredients are a bunch of chemicals,” Dr. Goldstein said. “Look for high fiber foods and whole grains.”

Sometimes an unhealthy diet is the result of a busy lifestyle. Grabbing a burger at a drive thru is convenient and an excuse Dr. Goldstein said she hears often from patients that blame lack of time for their poor nutrition. “People seem to always be on the run and a burger or something from a vending machine is a quick option,” she said. “However, pouring a bowl of high fiber cereal for breakfast or making a sandwich on whole grain bread takes very little time and effort.”

The American Cancer Society reports diets high in vegetables, fruits and whole grains and low in red and processed meats have been associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer. Dr. Goldstein said it’s ok for a treat once in a while, but moderation is important. While salads are one of the better choices, Dr. Goldstein said eating healthy does not mean a strict diet of only salads and grains. “Chili is mostly beans which is a great source of fiber,” Dr. Goldstein said. “There are options and it’s important for parents to teach healthy eating habits to their children. People define their tastes for food at the toddler age.”

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