
Allison Thomas wins DBP Rookie of the Year

First woman to win title in 21-year history
July 21, 2017

Allison Thomas of Wilmington took top honors in the Dewey Beach Patrol Rookie of the Year test July 19 on Dagsworthy Avenue. She is the first woman to garner that title in the 21 years of the award. Thomas, a 2017 Ursuline grad, will be attending Ursinus College in the fall.

“I wasn’t nervous at all going into the competition,” said Thomas. “All of the rookies were so supportive of each other and it gave us confidence.”

Thomas placed first in the mile swim and the sprint swim event. She placed in the top finishers in nearly every event.

“Allison is one of the grittiest, toughest and most determined female lifeguards we have ever had,” said DBP Senior Lt. and Asst. Director of EMS Chris Muscara. “No matter what the task, she always demands the best from herself to get it done.”

Events in the competition included the mile swim, sprint swim, line charges, buoy charges, 0.8-mile run, soft sand sprint, push-ups, 82-foot lifeguard stand drag, and the lifesaving assessment drill.

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