
Business energy efficiency improvement webinar set Dec. 15

December 8, 2023

Energize Delaware, a 501c3 nonprofit organization (Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility), recently announced the launch of its new business technical assistance program to improve energy efficiency in small and mid-size commercial buildings, including those in underserved, low-income and disadvantaged communities across Delaware. The program helps building owners and contractors understand the importance of improving the energy efficiency of their building by lowering energy costs, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using access to affordable financing such as Energize Delaware’s low-interest commercial loans.

An informational webinar will be held from 1 to 2 p.m., Friday, Dec. 15. To register, go to and search Energize Delaware Business Technical Assistance Program Webinar.

“Energy improvement projects for SMBs do not always have the business case for above-code, energy-efficient equipment. To address this concern, we are now offering, at no cost, the technical assistance needed to maximize energy efficiency and access to 100% long-term financing for improvements like HVAC replacement, LED lighting, roof/envelope upgrades and solar installations,” said Drew Slater, Energize Delaware executive director.

To provide technical assistance services to SMB owners and contractors, Energize Delaware has contracted with Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, which will use its Energy Performance Improvement Calculator technology platform to evaluate the business case for alternative high-efficiency equipment.

This means, for the first time, small and mid-size commercial building owners will have estimated cost and savings information that they need to confidently invest in high-efficiency building upgrades. For qualifying projects, SMB owners will have access to incentives and 100% long-term financing options.

Brian McCarter, CEO of SRS, said, “Our 10+ years’ experience administering energy efficiency programs for state governments has proven that the optimal time for SMB owners to evaluate alternative energy-efficient technology is when the need arises to replace aging HVAC equipment. SMB owners are often surprised to see that the combination of high-efficiency equipment and 100% long-term financing makes for a compelling investment opportunity.”

McCarter said, “Thanks to this new, first-in-the-nation Energize Delaware program, business owners can now evaluate, free of charge prior to an investment decision, the financial impacts of alternative building energy improvements.”

To find out how to take advantage of the program’s free technical assistance services, contact SRS at 203-880-5300 or

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