
Cape Gazette has stooped to new level

October 28, 2016

The Cape Gazette’s decision in the Oct. 25 edition to publish a self-serving one-third page article written by Leslie Ledogar in the Viewpoints Commentary section, when it should have been identified as an advertisement by the Democrat candidate, exemplifies the very media bias that Donald Trump has been pointing out nationwide.

Will I.G. Burton be given the same opportunity to respond in next week’s Commentary section? Even if so, it’s almost too late to address the partisan attacks launched by Ms. Ledogar. Similar imbalances in Cape Gazette editorial coverage favoring the Democrat candidate have been demonstrated for District 20 state representative.

The truth is that Rep. Steve Smyk has served all District 20 constituents and the entire state superbly the past four years in developing important, common-sense, bipartisan legislation through regular 18-hour workdays at Legislative Hall and also being out-and-about here in Sussex County, going door-to-door, talking with constituents to keep them informed and getting their feedback on important state legislation. Rep. Smyk will be getting my vote again this year.

While the Cape Gazette may try to fool readers that it is not partisan, the editorial pages of the Cape Gazette the past few months have proven otherwise. We hope that eventually, a fair-and-balanced Cape Region newspaper focusing on fairly reported news instead of partisan commentary will replace the Cape Gazette.

In the meantime, I am counting on well-informed Sussex County citizens continuing to see through the Cape Gazette bias and therefore vote for dedicated, successful candidates like Rep. Steve Smyk and I.G. Burton. Yes, voters in Sussex County do have a clear choice, and hopefully, most of them will ignore Cape Gazette’s partisan views in making that choice.

Robert Fischer

Editor’s Note: We have published every letter and commentary submitted in support of or critical of every candidate in the Nov. 8 election that we have thus far received.

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