
Changes to recycling drop off program being considered

January 18, 2017

The Delaware Solid Waste Authority has provided drop-off center recycling services since 1990. Throughout those 26 years DSWA has had to adapt and make many changes to recycling programs based on changing recycling market conditions and the needs of Delaware citizens. The Universal Recycling Law has provided the opportunity for curbside recycling for every home in Delaware; this has significantly decreased the participation of recyclers at drop-off centers.

Over the last few years the increased amount of illegal dumping at drop-off centers statewide has caused serious problems for DSWA staff and to the property owners where the centers are located. An even more difficult problem is the large increase of household trash that is being dumped into the bins at the centers which is causing the contamination of the recyclable materials. Once good recyclables are contaminated with trash it prevents the good material from being recycled.

These problems, coupled with an increase in the request for other services like household hazardous waste collection, electronics recycling and paper shredding, has caused DSWA to develop a new structure for its recycling drop-off program which they are working to have in place by the late summer of 2017;

DSWA will have four drop-off centers located at; the Cheswold Collection Station, the Delaware Recycling Center in New Castle, Jones Crossroads Landfill in Georgetown and a brand new center located the Newark area. These centers will be opened 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday to collect; electronics, single stream recycling, cardboard, household batteries, used oil and oil filters and Styrofoam. There will also be a household hazardous waste event once a week and a paper shredding/ latex paint collection event once a month at each location.

There will be nine additional drop-off centers located at DSWA facilities throughout the State. These centers will be open 8:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m., Monday through Saturday to collect; single stream recycling, cardboard, household batteries, used oil and oil filters

Current drop-off centers which are not located at DSWA facilities will eventually be removed. DSWA will post a sign at each center with an exact date prior to the site being removed. To get up to date locations of centers use the drop-off center locator at

DSWA will continue to provide special Ccllection events for the collection of household hazardous waste, electronics recycling and paper shredding at no cost to Delaware residents.

To learn more about these upcoming changes please contact DSWA's Citizens' Response Line at 1-800-404-7080 or go to


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