
DEC rate changes penalize solar customers

February 9, 2024

The following letter was sent to Delaware Electric Cooperative with a copy provided to the Cape Gazette for publication. 

It is very upsetting to read that you have changed your rate structure in a way that will penalize anyone who has installed solar panels on their home. Further, this change will discourage anyone from considering solar panels in the future. It appears that DEC is not interested in expanding green energy or supporting those who would help in reducing greenhouse gases through solar energy.

Increasing the charge for being a customer of DEC from $16 per month to $28 per month is a 75% increase, equivalent to $144 per year. For my net cost of $12,750, this will push out the break-even for my investment by at least eight months.

I strongly encourage DEC to reconsider the implementation of its planned rate increase. At the very least, you should make an exception for those customers who already have solar panels. Alternatively, you could increase the amount paid for the Solar Renewable Energy Credits. You could also offer a one-time payment that would cover five to seven years of this increase so the solar investment is not deferred. There are many ways you could do this to do right by your current solar panel customers.

Finally, it would be wise to determine a way that this increase does not discourage others from adding solar panels. Increasing the SREC amount is one way. No doubt there are other ways to do this.

I am sure DEC recognized the impact of making this rate change on existing and future solar panel customers. It is disappointing that you have chosen to penalize those of us who have made investments to help our environment. I am hoping you are open to reconsidering your decision, and choose to support and encourage individuals to reduce greenhouse emissions through the use of solar panels.

Mike Smoot
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