
Delving deeper into Red Hats’ provenance

April 24, 2018

BJ Young is entitled to whatever glory she chooses with regard to Red Hats; but we who brought the Red Hats to Sussex County will not tolerate the claim published in the April 17 Cape Gazette that she brought Red Hats here to our neck of the woods - Rehoboth, Lewes, Millsboro, etc.

I personally introduced newcomer B. J. Young to over 500 women at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover during an event I hosted with several other queen mothers.

We had been doing this for a long period of time. Each spring, we held the Spring Fling, the first while B. J. Young was still in New Jersey! Upon her arrival in Delaware, and her initiation of a chapter in Angola, she joined our already existing Red Hat Queen's Chapter. Upon my retirement, with my support, she took that position. If you will go back through your records, you will find that you did an entire article on four Queen Mothers who began the second through several other chapters.

Those queen mothers pictured were Madelon Merkler, the second Queen Mother in Sussex County; Maxine McWhorter Ungerbuehler, who was the third; Dee Huber and Pat Sandy.

All the chapters are still in existence! We had a multitude of women join the already existing Red Hat chapters thrilled by that article. The first Red Hat Queen Mother was from Dover. Unfortunately, I cannot remember her name. The first Red Hat Queen Mother in Sussex County was Edith Loetzer who energized and mentored other women into the society. Edie lives right here in Lewes and is an outstanding example of womanhood! She and others kept the character of Red Hats always in sight. Edith Loetzer had the original idea for a large gathering of Red Hats throughout Delaware.

Karen Kochis and Maxine McWhorter Ungerbuehler, with a team of delightful sister Red Hats, brought that into fruition. So many Red Hats wanted to attend that we had to engage the largest ballroom at Modern Maturity Center. The event was so well received that we continued and called it our annual Whoop De Doo. Each year, we had 500 to 600 women in attendance.

In front of me, I have years of our programs. In Sussex County, we engaged 1776 at Christmas, and with Tom's wonderful assistance filled the restaurant with 118 women each time - all with fantastic Red Hats.

We also engaged and filled the Virden Center. Bryan Clark, Sinatra; Bob Lougheed, Elvis; entertained us on more than one occasion. At Modern Maturity Center, we even had Jim Brady's wife, Sara, who introduced her book, signed copies, and told of her husband's bravery when he took a bullet for the president of the United States.

So, Mrs. Young may have the glory of being an ambassador - any queen mother could have become one as invitations were sent to all Queen Red Hats, but she sure as shootin' did not bring Red Hats to Sussex County.

My hat is off to Edith Loetzer who believed in the original poem and was the originator of the entire organization.

Maxine McWhorter Ungerbuehler
Queen Mother
Founder of: Majestic Matrons, 2002
The Red Hat Chicks with Crowns, etc

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