
Dewey’s Applebaum should be suspended

July 20, 2017

I find the continuing revelations of Town Manager Marc Appelbaum's conduct completely disgusting and appalling. Each week seems to bring new complaints from employees, businesspeople, former mayors and additional employees. The council now has ample evidence that serious misconduct has occurred in multiple ways yet has not suspended him.

He continues to work in town hall amid the same employees who had the courage to file the complaints. Supposedly they are now reporting to the assistant town manager who Appelbaum hired and who is loyal to Appelbaum while this investigation is ongoing. Most alarming is the newest information by former Mayor Rick Solloway that the council knew of inappropriate sexual references yet overlooked them. If that is true and the employee complaints are true, then that means we may have a town manager who engages in sexual harassment loose in town hall while this so-called investigation continues week after week.

When I add that to allegations that he has interfered with public safety decisions I am genuinely concerned for residents and visitors to our town as well. He must be suspended for the good of the town and the investigation brought to a swift conclusion.

Marvin Segel
Dewey Beach

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