
End of an era for Cape Gazette editorial page

September 13, 2019

This week marks the end of an era for readers of the Cape Gazette and for all of us who produce it for you. Chris Wildt, our longtime cartoonist, has stepped aside.

For decades, our editorial page has been anchored by his work, which also appears in national publications and consistently wins awards.  Yet, twice a week, every week, Chris has taken a look around our neighborhoods and zeroed in on the issues and ideas that matter.

Sometimes they are the very things everyone is talking about; other times, his cartoons pinpoint ideas we really should be talking about – Chris just has a funny way of getting there first. 

His clean, bright drawings – in black and white in the old days, blooming into full color in more recent years – bring into focus thorny issues our communities are facing, hitting the bull’s-eye every time.

He also has a way of pointing out our Sussex County eccentricities in a way that says he’s one of us. 

Chris finds our highs and our lows with a quick wit and confident pen, often making us laugh out loud and never failing to bring a smile. 

It’s this unfailing way of finding humor and making us laugh that has served our readers so well for so long, showing us through laughter where we can come together and agree on ways to move forward.

We will miss Chris, and send him the fondest of farewells and best wishes going forward.

This week we also welcome to our editorial page James Paterson, an accomplished writer and editor who lives in Lewes with his family. 

Jim has worked at both local and national newspapers and magazines, and has also operated his own marketing and design company. An award-winning illustrator whose work appears in national publications, including the Washington Post, he has recently focused on writing about education and energy – and doing cartoons. 

He and his wife, Marybeth, have five children.


  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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