
Free workshop on using tapping to heal set April 12

Also known as emotional freedom technique
April 11, 2018

A free workshop on using tapping to heal is set for 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Thursday, April 12, at the Delaware Tech Owens Campus.

Also known as emotional freedom technique, tapping is a self-help technique that gives people the power to heal themselves physically and emotionally by tapping on specific meridian points on the body while verbalizing memories and emotions. 

Presenters are Carolyn Showell, Adaeze Udezue Okoye, MD, and Laura Hufford. Howell is a licensed clinical social worker, certified advanced alcohol and drug counselor, certified hypnotherapist and certified HNLP/NLP practitioner with extensive training in EFT or tapping. Okoye is a gerontologist and integrative medicine practitioner with expertise working with patients with substance use disorders. Hufford has extensive experience using EFT and working with people to remove emotional blocks.

To view a video on tapping, go to

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. The workshop will meet in Room 540A and B at the William A. Carter Partnership Center building. 

To sign up, go to and search for the event. 


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