
Here’s to Dale, Diane, and keeping the beach replenishment funds

September 15, 2017

The late Mayor Ed Koch said "If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist."

I have disagreed with Dale Cooke and Diane Hanson at times whether at town meetings or in the Cape Gazette, so I hope you will give more credibility to this letter than a typical endorsement letter. However, Dale and Diane are hardworking volunteers who have a tremendous institutional knowledge, and have done a lot of good for Dewey Beach.

I don't think people realize how much work Dale and Diane do behind the scenes, and I worry what will happen if they are not around.

Scary is reading that a candidate against them, Jill Compello, wants to get rid of the beach replenishment fund. Down the road, that fund might very well be necessary to pay for the replenishment of the beach, which is the lifeblood of Dewey Beach.

Getting rid of the town's rainy day fund could bring disaster to the town. While the town government has it quirks, the town is in a much better financial state than a few years ago.

People are begging to visit Dewey Beach. Why would you deviate from that progress? For the record, I own a house and a store in Dewey, HOA president, investment committee chair, and one of the very few (sometimes as few as two) people to actually go to the town meetings in winter.

And I endorse Dale and Diane because I care about Dewey.

David Moskowitz
Dewey Beach

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