
Huxtable has earned re-election

February 27, 2024

Sen. Russ Huxtable hit the ground running in his first legislative session. In a six-month time period, he accomplished a major part of what he promised when he campaigned for the office. 

Specifically, three bills of which he was the prime sponsor have been signed into law. These include: Senate Bill 6, which prohibits commercial development in Cape Henlopen State Park; SB 186, which allows Sussex County Council to create a voluntary assessment to be paid by developers for the purpose of helping to pay for new schools; and Senate Concurrent Resolution 89, which authorizes a study to determine if surplus state property can be converted to affordable housing. 

In addition, there are two more bills that are awaiting votes on the floor this session. They are: SB 88, which would reduce real estate transfer tax for middle-income first-time buyers; and SB 87, which reduces real estate transfer tax for the creation of affordable housing. 

Sen. Huxtable chairs the Senate Agricultural Committee and is vice chair of the Environment, Energy and Transportation Committee. 

I have attended numerous community meetings in District 6 where issues of concern are presented and discussed. Sen. Huxtable always shows up and stays until the end. He wants to hear what we in District 6 have to say. He is available to constituents and responsive to our concerns. 

I believe Sen. Russ Huxtable has earned our support for re-election this November.

Pattie Magee
Rehoboth Beach


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