
If it’s not broke ...

January 30, 2017

Next month, Lewes Mayor and City Council are expected to discuss who should be allowed to become a member of Lewes Planning Commission.

The question came up at the last city council meeting, sparking two motions that both failed. Mayor and council will discuss the matter all over again Monday, Feb. 13.

It seems the planning commission has requested mayor and council amend city code to restrict the panel to residents of Lewes who use their Lewes home as their primary residence.

The city solicitor explained existing code allows the mayor to appoint people who do not live within city limits, and the mayor's appointments must be approved by council.

Planning commission member Nina Cannata said Lewes recently hired a city planner who could provide all the outside expertise the commission needs.

Councilman Rob Morgan noted the planning commission is out of step with the historic preservation commission, the parks and recreation commission, and the byways committee, all of which have nonresident members.

Deputy Mayor Fred Beaufait pointed out the code does not require the mayor to appoint anyone who lives outside the city proper; it simply allows such an appointment if the mayor finds the right candidate.

"It just means we have the option if that unique individual can help strengthen or add to or enhance the work of the planning commission," Beaufait said.

And that's how it should be. If someone has special expertise and has the desire to contribute to the community – but happens to live just outside city limits – is that a reason to ignore that person's existence?

That would be a very narrow vision of who should participate in planning the future of Lewes.

No one is calling for outsiders to come in and tell Lewes what to do, but why eliminate possible future expertise?

The code is fine the way it's written. There is no need to change it.


  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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