
Jeers to Rehoboth Beach parking increase

February 27, 2024

A Feb. 20 article in the Cape Gazette outlined the Rehoboth Beach budget for the fiscal year starting April 1 (how appropriate). I am very disappointed in the commissioners’ decision to take the easy way out in balancing the budget. I am referring to the increases in parking rates.  

I realize that parking revenue is the No. 1 source of income in Rehoboth Beach, and I don't suggest that it shouldn't be, but there are other ways to balance a budget. I have worked in accounting and finance for 45 years and prepared many budgets. When the budget has a deficit, you have to sharpen your pencil and really drill down with expenditures. Ask yourself, do we really need that new piece of equipment? Can salaries be trimmed? Do we really need a $5 million lifeguard station? Can we afford to maintain it?

While I don't disagree with the concept of increasing parking rates, the amount of the increase is exorbitant. Specifically, a 30% increase in seasonal permits is totally ridiculous. Think about who purchases these passes. It’s mostly permanent residents of Sussex County or seasonal residents who own property here, both of which already pay taxes here. Shame on you for just thrusting this increase toward residents who already support the local economy all year round.

My suggestion to you would be to buffer this huge increase by offering a permit discount to residents of Sussex County. Take another look at your budget or you may bite the hand that feeds you.

Bryan Warner
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