
Keep plants healthy in summer heat

July 25, 2016

In these lazy hazy days of the hot summer, homeowners wonder what to do to keep their plants looking good and happy. East Coast Garden Center in Millsboro has provided a few simple tips.

Take the time every eight to 10 days to examine plants, looking for scratching and discoloring of leaves and needles. Also check the middle parts of plants – especially when they are dense as some insects are microscopic in size. If there is a problem, take care of it immediately to reduce additional damage. A local garden center or nursery can recommend a product to use and how to properly apply the product.

Remember when spraying with insecticides and fungicides, if the temperature is over 85 degrees, to spray in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. Plants that bloom profusely exhaust the soil very quickly of nutrients and will require fertilizer more often than other plants. The garden center can recommend the proper fertilizer for all plant selections.

A lot of trees, evergreens and flowering shrubs will set their buds for the next year in mid to late summer, so homeowners have to be careful about when they prune. The most important tip during these hot days would be to water plants properly. Plants should not be sprinkled with water. The way to soak a plant is by letting a hose trickle at the base of the plant. A good deep soaking and letting the plant dry between waterings is key.

During July and August when the temperature is at its peak, follow these simple and important tips to enjoy plants all summer long.


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