
Lewes March For Our Lives thanks supporters

April 6, 2018

The Lewes arm of March For Our Lives wishes to thank the communities for their participation in the march held March 24. The organizers were amazed with the number of people who came out to support the children who had experienced the unthinkable - another school shooting, this time taking place in Parkland, Fla. Expecting no more than 200 at the very most, you can imagine our surprise when over 500 people came in support of March For Our Lives. Posters were held high, children holding the banner were in full view, and people along the march path were waving their hands in support, and drivers were honking their horns signifying their support.

The rally after the march at St. Peter's was a "coming home" for the marchers. Tents had been erected and were ready with sweets and drinks, and registration was taking place for new voters. A truly picturesque scene from Norman Rockwell if there ever was one. Thanks to the ladies and gentlemen at St. Peter's for your hospitality and welcome!

Speakers included the Rev. Jeffrey Ross, Pamela Malsch, Jake Hoffpauir, Hannah Faircloth and Elizabeth Fields-Grove. In addition there was an open invitation for others to speak. The messages can be summed up by noting the need for safety for all of our children. Children are in school to learn, and not to be fearful for their lives. Teachers are there to teach and not to be concerned about a gunman entering their classroom.

Thank you to the Lewes Police Department for their excellent participation. Thank you to the Lewes City Council for their presence and support as well. At this time I would like to also send out a special thank you to our most active committee members: Pamela Malsch, the Rev. Jeffrey Ross of St. Peter's Church, Patty Marvels, Sue Kugel, Lee Parks, and Sue Nyden. The march in Lewes wouldn't have happened without you all.

In addition, we appreciated the support of these people who helped us get the march up and running: Louise Archdeacon, Cindy Winkler, Al and Sandy Bassett, Carol Decatur, David Dagenais, Randy and Dee Dee Bies, and Bonnie Miller. Thanks to all of you for your dedication to the cause, and for sharing your knowledge in taking action for the march. Our next planning meeting will be held at Bethel United Methodist Church Wednesday, April 25, at 7 p.m., in the lower level classroom. All are welcome to attend. We're on a roll...let's keep it going. Enough is enough!

Elizabeth Grove



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