
Masons take plunge for Special Olympics

February 7, 2024

A polar bear team representing the Grand Lodge of Delaware took part in the Special Olympics Delaware Polar Bear Plunge Feb. 3 at Herring Point in Cape Henlopen State Park.

The team included Grand Master Ronald P. Ferraro and 22 other members who raised $16,050 for Special Olympics Delaware. It was more than three times their $5,000 goal.

Nearly 50 friends and neighbors came to witness the plunge.

“The water was chilly and wind brisk, but it was all for a great cause,” said Ferraro. “The team from the Grand Lodge of Delaware always makes its plunge a day early at the park, where many camp out all weekend, and enjoy the friendship and fellowship with their families. I was so proud of everyone who took part or supported the effort in some way.”


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