
Mayor Cooper deserves to be re-elected

August 10, 2017

Rehoboth is a nationally recognized destination and a city that many want to live in as measured by the community's vibrant real estate market. This is not an accident. Mayor Sam Cooper has been a leader in protecting the quality of life in our community and in supporting needed investment in our infrastructure from Streetscape, to the Boardwalk, to a first-class municipal complex serving all our citizens. Rehoboth under his leadership has been able to accomplish this while remaining financially healthy and keeping its low tax rate.

Mayor Cooper deserves re-election Aug. 12. Commissioner Paul Kuhns in his candidacy for mayor has not offered a good reason for change. In two terms as commissioner he has no legislative accomplishments to point to. His most recent call for keeping parking meters year around was soundly rejected by members of the business community and other commissioners. In his previous term as commissioner he called for removing part-time residents from city committees. These are not the kind of ideas that reflect good leadership or listening skills.

Commissioner Kuhns has consistently supported developers who would diminish Rehoboth's quality of life and environment by commercializing our residential zones. In past elections, the citizens of Rehoboth have soundly defeated the ideas this candidate is offering in the current election. There is no reason to support these ideas now. Change is not always for the better. It can sometimes lead to a place you do not want to go. Mayor Sam Cooper has helped make Rehoboth a wonderful place to visit and to live in. He deserves our vote as mayor.

Arvil V. Adams
Rehoboth Beach


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