
Mills, Sharp dedicated to Rehoboth

July 29, 2016

The city of Rehoboth Beach has reason to be grateful for the dedicated work of commissioners Stan Mills and Toni Sharp. Both should be returned to office by the voters Saturday, Aug. 13.

My membership on the communications committee has given me a perspective on the work habits of these two commissioners. As communications committee chairperson, Stan Mills does extensive research on many ideas and programs. Any new idea that has the potential for facilitating increased communication between citizens and their government sparks his interest. Whether the topic is best practices on audio and video recording of city minutes, or website design and analytics, or just the mundane topic of how to conduct and sequence efficient meetings, Stan does his homework. He is committed to examining what is being done in other towns and communities in order to find ways for improving communication in our town.

Toni Sharp has a knack for seeing ways around difficulties. Her skill at listening brings an ability to see problems from divergent viewpoints. Toni is very aware of the big picture and long-term planning. She recognized the need and fought effectively for a professional communication specialist to be added to the city government. She is also to be commended for her willingness to work on the details to make new projects a reality. Toni doesn't shy away from taking on the tedious tasks necessary to get a new project up and running.

Her wide association with other groups in the community including Rehoboth Beach Main Street, SOLA 3, the Rehoboth Beach Homeowners' Association, and others allowed for the swift implementation of a welcome packet containing city information for new homeowners. Her skill in coordinating with realtors and building upon what was already in place made the project quickly implemented and highly successful. We are very lucky that two such able and dedicated individuals want to give their time and talent to the rest of us by serving as city commissioners. Let's show Stan and Toni our gratitude by electing them with a huge majority.

Janet Anderson
Rehoboth Beach

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