
Observations on ‘Paul Ryan's Flying Circus’

March 24, 2017

I ask you, are the current congressional Republicans not one of the most inept and incompetent legislative bodies of all time?

They've had almost four months to assemble an alternative to Obamacare, and they've blown it. It's understandable they didn't bother prior to Nov. 8, anticipating Obama's third term in the form of Hillary Clinton.

But once again the Republicans, as they are so proficient in doing, have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The mishmash they've cobbled together, Ryancare, as some would call it, is almost as abysmal as the one that bears Barack Obama's name.

The congressional Republicans, under the less-than-sterling leadership of Paul Ryan, wasted three months working behind the scenes to reach a reasonable consensus on the content of a new healthcare package. But in their ineptitude, they waited to have their internal food fight in full view of the American voters.

I believe there's something in the Republican Party's DNA that prevents them from capitalizing on being in the majority. They prove it time after time. Once again, they will end up rolling over and playing dead.

I am so glad to be a registered Independent. It saves me from so much shame and embarrassment not to have an R after my name anymore.

Steve Hyle


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