
Rehoboth must move forward by voting for Coluzzi

September 21, 2017

I am extremely disappointed in how some of the commissioners conducted themselves at the Board of Commissioners meeting Friday evening.

The failure to support Paul Kuhns was not only disrespectful to him as our newly elected mayor but also disrespectful of the citizens and voters of Rehoboth Beach who delivered a clear and unmistakable message that they wanted a change from the old ways and gave Paul a strong mandate.

Some led him to trust that they supported Pat Coluzzi to fill out the remainder of his term as commissioner, participated in taking photos with Pat - treating her as one of the seven of you who would serve together for the next year, and then voted against her twice - not once - but twice?

There is room for respectful disagreement and different points of view. But one thing that needs to be preserved is integrity and trust. I hope they can come to grips with the election results, graciously accept the voters' mandate, and work cooperatively with Paul and the other commissioners to begin the process of healing our community and ending the divisiveness that has been so prevalent in the past.

That can begin by reconsidering your position on Pat Coluzzi's appointment to fill the vacancy that exists on the board so that we can move forward in a constructive and meaningful way.

Edward Chrzanowski
Rehoboth Beach

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