
Rehoboth needs Paul Kuhns as next mayor

August 11, 2017

We are writing in support of Paul Kuhns in his bid for election as mayor of the City of Rehoboth Beach.

Paul has been active in the community for many years and has invested in businesses in the city. He has served twice as commissioner for the city; he has worked with the chamber of commerce and served as its president, worked to secure funding for the Rehoboth Historical Society and served as its president, served on the Governor's Tourist Advisory Board and received several awards for his dedication and service to the city and state.

Paul is running on his record of service to the community. He has conveyed to the citizens of this community his high regard for the responsibilities of serving in official capacities. He has put forth a vision for the future of this great city, and is willing to discuss his ideas, listen to the other side, and has never faulted those who disagree with him. He is a listener and encourages full discussion of ideas.

We need Paul Kuhns as mayor of the City of Rehoboth Beach. We need his energy. We need his experience and background in finance. We need his integrity, and we need his ideas and his willingness to explore a multitude of ideas for the future of this great town. And we need him to keep up his dialogue with the citizens of this town so he can represent all the diverse interests that make up this unique place.

Vote for integrity, knowledge, experience and for Paul Kuhns for mayor of the City of Rehoboth Beach Aug. 12.

Bill and Elizabeth Clark
Rehoboth Beach


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