
Resort restaurants should up their game

February 8, 2018

I read with interest the letter in the Feb. 5 Cape Gazette regarding the agony of being a restaurateur. There was also an article in the Cape Gazette a few weeks ago regarding why more residents don't visit restaurants on a regular basis.

It would be wonderful if more restaurants in the Lewes/Rehoboth area would cater to health-conscious eating like those found in places like Austin, Texas or Los Angeles. I have been to both areas, and it was very easy to find multiple restaurants where I could enjoy a truly gluten-free (i.e. GF pasta/pizza crust, tortillas, rolls or crackers), organic and/or vegan meal.

More and more people are trying to improve their diets for a variety of reasons, and it would be wonderful if health-conscious eating at area restaurants was the norm and not the exception.

Ellen Reid

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