
Sen. López stood up for Cape students

April 6, 2018

This is the first time I have written a letter to the editor of any paper. As a mom with three young children, I don't consider myself politically active but am well aware of current issues both locally and nationally. I vote in each election and always vote for the person I feel will do the best job, regardless of party affiliation.

It is for that reason I felt driven to write this letter as a response to one written in last Tuesday's edition of the Cape Gazette attacking Sen. Ernie López, who had been invited to attend and speak at the recent March For Our Lives event in Rehoboth along with other elected officials. The letter writer seemed upset that in his remarks, Senator López chose to recognize our local Rehoboth Elementary School students and teachers, and remind those in attendance of the courage and bravery they showed two years ago at that very same location, as a bomb threat had been made against the school and the building evacuated.

He asked those at the March For Our Lives to walk that day in solidarity with local children who on a cold January morning, had taken those very same steps, from the school to an emergency location in downtown Rehoboth.

As a mother of two of those children who recalls the fear of that day all too well, I say to the author of the negative attack letter against Senator López: How dare you minimize for petty political purposes what our children had to endure that day? Did you ever speak out in support of our children who that year experienced trauma from threats made at local schools from Beacon Middle to Shields and Rehoboth Elementary? Did you write a letter to the editor condemning the cowardly actions of a sick person who instilled fear in the hearts of our children at a place where they deserved to feel safe?

I don't recall that you did. Actually, I don't recall that anyone did except for Senator López who put out a statement that very day condemning the threats. He went further by arriving at Rehoboth Elementary early the next morning delivering food to teachers, and greeting each and every child in the drop-off line, many who were scared to even get out of their cars to come back to school. He stood in the cold, giving children high fives, hugs, and making me and so many other parents feel thankful and relieved in knowing that someone cared enough to actually show up and comfort our children after a difficult day.

There were no cameras, no interviews or photo ops, just the kindness and reassurance of an authentic person, a father himself, who cared enough to be there for all of us and more importantly, for our children. I am adamantly against any threats or acts of violence directed at anyone, much less our children. Marches and rallies of any kind toward prevention and awareness are to be commended by all regardless if there is full agreement or not toward any one particular proposal over the other. Indeed, more must be done to keep our children safe, and more must be done to bring people together in our state and country regardless of political party or differences.

Senator López has a record of proving he not only cares about our children through his words but his actions, which is why he continues to receive my strong support and that of my family.

Janie Maedler
Rehoboth Beach



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