
State treasurer honored for retirement program

February 23, 2024

Delaware Treasurer Colleen Davis has received the 2024 Distinguished State Leader Award from the Georgetown University Center for Retirement Initiatives at the McCourt School of Public Policy for her work in the adoption and implementation of the Delaware Expanding Access for Retirement and Necessary Savings program, aka Delaware EARNS.

It will provide a convenient way for all workers to save for retirement, particularly middle and low-income workers who lack access to employer-sponsored plans, and allow small businesses previously unable to provide such a benefit to do so at no cost.

“Since first taking office in 2019, I have maintained my top three priorities as bolstering retirement security, creating pathways to economic empowerment and providing a culture of financial excellence,” Davis said. “Delaware EARNS accomplishes all three of those priorities for hardworking men and women who have no other effective way to save for retirement.”

Angela Antonelli, CRI executive director, credits Davis for bringing people from both sides of the political aisle on board. “The bipartisan adoption and ongoing implementation of Delaware EARNS is a model for the nation and other states considering such programs,” Antonelli said.

“While I’m truly humbled to receive this award, it’s important to remember it isn’t about me; it’s about the important work that so many in our office do on a daily basis to help make sure everyone in Delaware has a smooth road to retirement,” Davis said.

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