
Stop dumping waste into Inland Bays

March 24, 2017

In reference to DNREC being urged to reduce point-source pollution in Inland Bays:

It seems Allen Harim is feeling aggrieved because we don't want him pouring his waste into our bays and he feels that is somehow unfair to him. But it seems his permit has expired.

If I get caught driving on an expired driver's license I'm in deep doodoo, which is what Allen Harim is dumping on us.

There is a concept he may not have heard of known as corporate social responsibility. Allen Harim should be a good corporate neighbor and just stop polluting. He already holds the title of the last guy to be dumping his goop into our water.

Why not just call it a day and admit he's wrong and fix it? Surely he can afford it. Why insist on being the last bad guy holdout? Does he want that to be his legacy? How would he like it if everyone started dumping their waste on his property?

Ab Ream


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