
Sussex needs to protect its wetlands

April 27, 2017

I want to thank the Cape Gazette and Maddy Lauria for the informative and well-written article on Delaware wetlands in the April 21 paper.

Wetlands provide many vital functions that are not immediately obvious to us. It is shortsighted of Sussex County Council to ignore the need to protect this resource.

I urge everyone to read this article. I ask fellow residents to communicate with our elected representatives about the importance of protecting environmental resources. I ask Sussex County Council to include plans for parks, open space and adequate environment protection in the Comprehensive Plan. This is a public health issue, not a discretionary item.

And, I ask the Cape Gazette to continue to publish articles exploring the impact of rapid, poorly planned, and unregulated development in Sussex County.

Thoughtful and thorough planning works well for everyone, developers and residents alike.

Perrin Smith

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