
Thanks for Big Fish 5K support

May 25, 2018

I would like to thank all who came out for the 6th annual Big Fish 5K April 28.

This successful fundraising event was held behind the Big Fish Restaurant and all involved enjoyed the beautiful spring weather, music, kids activities, and delicious foods and beverages donated by many local businesses and individuals. I would like to extend a special thank you to our Whale title sponsor, iHeart Radio for generously advertising for the event.

We appreciate and give sincere thanks to all of our sponsors. Shark sponsors were Baird Mandalas Brockstedt, Capano Management, Hertrich Toyota, Lewes Dairy, M&T Bank, Onix Group, Schagrin Gas, Singer Equipment, Sobieski Services, The Starboard, Weller Development and Williams Insurance Agency. Tuna sponsors were Child's Play By the Bay, County Bank, Hotel Rehoboth, Fisher's Popcorn of Rehoboth, Lefty's Alley and Eats, McDonald's/Meoli Companies, Rehoboth Beach Running Company, Shaun Tull and Bryce Lingo Realtors, Shell We Bounce and WSFS Bank. Dolphin sponsors were Casapulla's Subs, Delaware Business Systems, Logomotiv, Richard Y. Johnson and Son, Teddy Bear Fresh Produce and the Cape Gazette.

Thank you all who volunteered on that beautiful morning, and also to the suppliers for the after party - Lewes Dairy (chocolate milk), Teddy Bear Fresh (bananas and oranges), Fresh Market (apples), Sysco (water bottles), NKS (beer), Movies at Midway (Kiddie K gift certificate), Wawa (lemonade), and Vintage (wine).

Thank you in advance for supporting these businesses and sponsors when you have the opportunity to do so!

Jenny Burton
executive director, Big Fish Charitable Foundation


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