
Thanks for cleanup around Nassau bridge

May 29, 2017

I want to thank Warden Oettel of the Violation Of Probation Center for sending out a crew of men to help me clean up the area under the Nassau bridge and beside the approach to the bridge along southbound Route One a couple weeks ago. These men spent about three hours picking up trash and railroad ties, and placing them in a couple of piles for pickup later.

I also want to thank a group of men from Nassau Grove for coming out and picking up trash in areas along Route One and Minos Conaway Road about a week earlier than the VOP crew, which made the second pickup of trash a lot easier. As a result of the work of both groups of men this area around the Nassau bridge and Route One is much cleaner, and it will make it more appealing and pleasant for those that walk and bike the unofficial trail under the bridge and along Route One. It will also make this area look nicer for those that live in Nassau Grove community and the other communities near the Nassau bridge.

Let's all help keep this area clean along with other areas throughout Sussex County.

Ray Quillen
vice president Bike Delaware


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