
Thanks to four-legged visitors to Beebe

September 7, 2017

There are really nice people in Rehoboth, and then there are superior! I have had the extreme pleasure of meeting a terrific duo (John and Dancer) while visiting my mother in Beebe Healthcare. Not only did they both come into the room with welcoming arms...and paws, they sat patiently with us and shared their heartwarming story.

John is the owner of his beautiful white golden retriever, who actually took the extra time out of his day to make someone else feel comforted.
John and Dancer, I just want you to know that you made my mother's day that day. You made her smile and laugh, and I am glad to say she is home and feeling better!

I sincerely thank you and Beebe for such an inspirational visit! I'm sure you will continue all of the great things you do for our community, and hope you realize just how special you both are!!

Karla Engle
Rehoboth Beach


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