
Thanks for Picnic in the Park support

June 26, 2017

The Friends of the Lewes Canalfront Park want to thank everyone who came out for the sixth annual Picnic in the Park June 4. We love how this event gets better each year! The proceeds from this annual fundraising event go toward maintaining and enhancing this beautiful park. This year Friends donated $20,000 to the City of Lewes for refurbishment of the kayak launch and floating docks at the park.

With past years' proceeds we purchased a filtered water fountain and bottle filler, quality teak tables and chairs for people to enjoy on the deck overlooking the park, funded plantings and supported free weekly events throughout the summer season for our Cape community to enjoy, such as concerts, movies, yoga and Zumba. We've heard so many great things from those who attended, and we have so many people to thank for making it all happen. First and foremost, our amazing Lewes restaurants!

We are so fortunate to have so many fabulous dining options here in Lewes, and for this special day they took their culinary masterpieces and brought them all together in one location: Gilligan's, Half Full, Jerry's Seafood, Kindle, Nectar, Rose & Crown, Striper Bites, Touch of Italy and 2 Dips Ice Cream.

A huge thank you to our main underwriters The Inn at Canal Square and Fulton Bank who continue to show their dedication to the park year after year! We couldn't do it without all of our sponsors: the Cape Gazette, the Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Jack Lingo Realtor, R&L Liquors and the Lewes Building Company.

We're grateful to the local businesses who sponsored our restaurant tents: Below Book Auto, CJ's Beach Bays, Coastal Cottage Renovations, Griswold Home Care, Henlopen Appliance, Jeanine O'Donnell-State Farm Insurance, Key Advisors Group, Lawns Unlimited, and the Tidwell Group at Morgan Stanley. The City of Lewes gave us tremendous support: Alison Kirk, Ann Marie Townshend, Street Maintenance Department, Lewes Police Department, and all our city officials. A special thank you to the Lewes Chamber of Commerce without whom the event would not be the success it was. And finally, what is an event without volunteers? And we had the best of the best, who work tirelessly to make this such a wonderful community event. You were all amazing! Friends of the Lewes Canalfront Park thank you all, and we look forward to seeing you in the park!

Stephanie Boright
Janet Sydnor
Georgia Tugend
event chairs, 2017 Picnic in the Park


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