
Thanks to Sen. Lopez and DelDOT

May 18, 2017

I want to thank Sen. Ernie Lopez and DelDOT for repainting or stamping the bike logos and arrows on the side of Cape Henlopen Drive.

I offered to re-paint them myself a few weeks ago. DelDOT declined for safety reasons, but they responded that they would submit my request for consideration.

A few days after that I received another note from DelDOT saying that they were busy with other scheduled projects and stated they did not think they could get to it until the fall.

Everyone who uses the Cape Henlopen State Park or rides a bike knows how many cyclists use Cape Henlopen Drive, especially in the summer season, so I reached out to Sen. Ernie Lopez asking for his help.

Less than a week after my request to him for help, I was riding my bike down Cape Henlopen Drive and I saw a DelDOT crew repainting the bike logos and arrows on each side of the road (almost 20 of them). The purpose of the logos is to remind motorists that cyclists use the road and also to remind cyclists that they are to ride with traffic and not against it in an effort to make the road safer for all.

Thanks again to Ernie and DelDOT for getting this done before the busy summer season!

Ray Quillen
vice president, Bike Delaware

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