
Thyroid: a deeper look reveals keys to regain function

May 29, 2017

When a post-menopausal woman recently came to my office with serious concerns of hypothyroidism, diagnosed at age 35, she described what a majority of my clients reveal. Simple management of thyroid hormone dosing has not alleviated her suffering. Many clients, despite being on significant doses of replacement hormone, still feel terrible. Tired all the time, and at wits’ end with many clinical concerns, they turn to naturopathic medicine to better understand the root cause of their symptoms.

These women exhibit persistent signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism including weight gain with diminished food intake, extreme fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, poor circulation, fluid retention, ringing in the ears, poor memory, dry skin and hair, hair loss, broken nails and slow thinking.

Certain lab values may or may not be altered with hypothyroidism. Sometimes the labs fluctuate, or women report their doctors will only monitor using one lab test, TSH. Also, women may have normal TSH, but exhibit all the symptoms of an under-functioning thyroid gland.

Complete blood counts may show anemia; chemistry screens may show elevated serum cholesterol; thyroid panels may show decreased T3 uptake, total T4 and free T4 with elevated TSH. Some patients may not exhibit any laboratory changes, but have low basal body temperature readings. If autoimmune labs are checked, often they come back positive, indicating another layer of pathology.

So how can anyone get their thyroid back online? First and foremost, we look to the liver's function. While thyroid hormone is produced by the gland (or dosed as medicine), the body still has to be able to metabolize and utilize it. That conversion is mostly done by the liver, and if someone is not responding to thyroid medicine properly or has the symptoms of hypothyroid but the labs are normal, maybe the problem lies in how efficiently the liver is doing its job to send activated thyroid hormone to the cells to use.

Commonly found pollutants in our environment can disrupt our endocrine system. Improving liver function through nutrition, herbal medicine and stress management tools can help regain function of thyroid hormone. Detoxification is what gets the fatigue to lift and the metabolic rate to be healed so weight loss can be achieved. Resolving many chronic symptoms of thyroid disorder can begin with effective detoxification support and targeted nutritional therapy.

Polychlorinated biphenols and dioxins may affect thyroid function. The main means of exposure is through food such as meat, dairy and fish. PCBs and dioxins alter liver function of the enzyme that metabolizes thyroid hormone. They also directly attack the thyroid gland and thyroid hormone carrier proteins. There are numerous studies linking PCBs and dioxins to thyroid dysfunction.

Pesticides have also been linked to thyroid disease in numerous studies. We are exposed to pesticides every day in our air, water, food, soil, playground equipment, personal care products and more. There are numerous studies that link pesticides to thyroid dysfunction. A study of women married to men who sprayed pesticides on agriculture for a living showed increased rates of thyroid disease. These women didn't actually use the pesticides themselves but were exposed secondhand through their husbands.

Pentachlorophenol is a chemical used as a wood preservative that produces toxic by-products that contaminate air, food and water. It is linked to alteration of thyroid hormones and the formation of goiters. A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is not cancer but typically is a signal that something is wrong with the gland.

Bisphenol-A is another common chemical linked to thyroid disorders. Even at low doses consistent with what the average person would be exposed to, there are links to changes in thyroid hormones.

Heavy metals are found to affect the thyroid as well. One of the main heavy metals studied is cadmium, a component of cigarette smoke and a product of industry. It is in the air, soil and water of most cities. We are exposed through cigarette smoke, food grown in contaminated soil, air pollution and water contamination. There are numerous studies linking thyroid disease to cadmium exposure. 

Mercury is also linked to thyroid disease in women and children. Methylmercury, found in fish, is linked to alterations in thyroid hormones via the mechanism of depleting selenium. Selenium is a mineral essential for proper thyroid function.

Lead is another heavy metal linked to thyroid disorders in many studies. One shows how sensitive women's hormonal systems are compared to men’s. For example, many women develop thyroid disease during pregnancy due to increases in estrogen and progesterone. One study compared men’s and women's blood levels of lead and mercury to alterations in thyroid hormones, and found women were more affected by the heavy metals.

Perfluorooctanoic acid is found in stain- and water-resistant coatings for carpet, furniture, fast-food containers, paints, and foams. These chemicals build up in our adipose tissue, or fat, and alter thyroid function. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey looked at 3,973 adults and measured PFOA levels. It determined high concentrations of PFOAs are linked to thyroid disease.

Halides (such as bromines, chlorine, fluoride) are common endocrine disruptors and can be found in pesticides, plastics, bakery goods, soda, medications, fire retardants, and bromine-based hot tub and swimming pool treatments. Halides compete for the same receptors that are used in the thyroid gland to capture iodine. This can inhibit thyroid hormone production, resulting in a low thyroid state.

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Kim Furtado, ND, is a naturopathic doctor at Quakertown Wellness Center in Lewes, who specializes in science-based, patient-focused, natural medicine. For more information or an appointment, call 302-945-2107 or go to


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