
Unitarian Universalists to hold Darwin Day celebration Feb. 11

February 4, 2018

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold their third Darwin Day Celebration from 3 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 11. The celebration emphasizes the important contribution Charles Darwin made to science, the important role science plays in today’s society, and the key roles science and reason play in UUSD’s free and responsible search for truth and meaning, the fourth Unitarian Universalist principle.

Featured speakers will include professors Michael Rosenberg and Hal White from the University of Delaware. A discussion will follow their presentations. The celebration will be held at 30486 Lewes-Georgetown Highway, Lewes. The event is free and open to the public.

White, a professor of biochemistry, will address the role that RNA and genetics have played in understanding the origin of life. His presentation, The Origin of Life and the RNA World, will describe how knowledge of the genetic and biochemical basis of evolution enables current understanding of the unity of life on earth, and its origins, much better than Charles Darwin described over 150 years ago.

Rosenberg, a professor of anthropology, will present Darwin and the Mechanics of Cultural Evolution. He will discuss complexities of the evolution of cultures caused by the fact that no two people view their cultures from the same perspective.

UUSD is a welcoming and progressive spiritual community with a faith rooted in love and justice. Their mission is to nurture spiritual growth, embrace diversity, work for justice and strive for a loving world. For more information, email or go to

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