
Vote Kuhns, Schlosser, McGuiness Aug. 12

July 21, 2017

I have watched Rehoboth Beach annual elections for over 20 years, and to my dismay, I have seen a small minority of eligible voters producing the same bad results. The Cooper machine has had a detrimental effect on the governance and fairness to homeowners, tourists and businesses in Rehoboth Beach. This year's election, however, provides the opportunity to change all that.

Sam Cooper and Susan Gay have no reasoned approach to city government. Rather, they promise more of the same - secret meetings, fiscal irresponsibility, and government of the few. This has to change.

Paul Kuhns, Lisa Schlosser and Kathy McGuiness are the needed change to the current Cooper-think among the commissioners. All three candidates have the financial and project management experience needed to return fiscal responsibility to municipal government. They are also business-minded citizens dedicated to working for all of Rehoboth Beach, not just the few special interests.

Vote Kuhns/Schlosser/McGuiness on Aug. 12.

Lee DeFord
Rehoboth Beach


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