
Where is revenue from rabies shots going?

April 11, 2017

Could it be poor management? Are our animals getting the $3 surcharge from rabies revenue?

For the first time since 2007 when Delaware started the $3 surcharge on all rabies shots for revenue to support spay/neuter programs, it has to temporarily stop accepting new income-eligible applications. Hopefully until July 1.

Strange how in 10 years this had not been a issue. Could it be poor management? Our new animal control has been operating since January 2016. They have already increased the budget to $4 million annually compared to $2 million back in 2000. Where is this money going? Are our animals getting use of the surcharge for spay/neutering? Do we need an investigation of funds? Why didn't we have these issues with our previous contractor?

Crystal Shear

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