
Rehoboth mayor reflects on Gazette editorial

November 10, 2017

Thank you, again, for bringing to the public's attention the important decisions being made by the progressive new administration in Rehoboth Beach in your Nov. 7 editorial. I appreciate the editor pointing out that the commissioners are being as inclusive as possible with our neighbors/property owners while addressing the need to update our charter.

As mentioned at our Nov. 6 meeting, the intent is to be fair and reasonable with our citizens' voting rights. We stated that any proposed changes to our charter would be to emphasize "one person, one vote" regardless of how many properties are owned by an individual or in what fashion that property is owned. Our solicitor has created restrictions, which go to the intent of our discussion, which is to allow all of our homeowners the right to vote.

Your readers need to know that the commissioners considered many of the salient concerns of our citizens that revolved around leaseholders' rights to vote and adjusted those proposals accordingly.

I would like to highlight another proposal of the commissioners that was omitted in your editorial. The city charter presently provides that an individual who does not vote in two consecutive elections is automatically purged from the voter roles. This could be construed as voter discrimination. The commissioners have suggested that this automatic "purge of voters" be removed from the charter.

Finally, our deliberations are not intended to "dilute the votes of those who choose to call Rehoboth Beach their home," but to be fair, reasonable and inclusive with our neighbors, who are just like us.

Paul Kuhns
City of Rehoboth Beach

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