
Fitness Friday: Rowing for life

June 5, 2012

Row, row, row your boat. Or a canoe. Or a rowing machine, which may be easier to come by for most of us.

Rowing is one exercise that works most major muscle groups. Plus, I find it fun. I use a slide-seat rowing machine at the gym. It is an easy workout, but also one that your muscles will feel the following day.

I usually focus on workouts you can do at home, but at a certain point, it is nice to get out and be around other people. It can inspire you to try new workouts. I suggest trying a rowing machine at your local gym.

Here is what LIVESTRONG has to say about a rowing workout:

As a low-impact exercise, rowing is suitable for people who are overweight or those prone to suffering from impact-related ankle, knee, hip or spine problems. Rowing machines offer a number of positive health benefits to regular users.

Read more:

Besides calorie burning, rowing also helps improve lung and cardiac function. It builds muscle, which burns fat, and increases bone density.

All good things!


Recipe Alert!

I just had to share this recipe for a Grilled Tuna, Avocado and Dill salad. I made it last weekend and it was so fresh and delicious, with just hints of lime juice and dill. On top of being the best thing I've eaten lately, it was also low-calorie and easy to make.

What you need:

2 fresh or frozen tuna steaks

2 ripe avocados

2 limes

1/2 red onion, diced

Olive Oil

salt and pepper

fresh dill - about 1 teaspoon



Season tuna steaks with salt and pepper, drizzle with a bit of olive oil and grill to desired temperature. I made mine about medium.

While steaks are grilling, in glass bowl whisk together the juice of two limes with about 1/4 cup of olive oil, salt and pepper. Let it sit.

When tuna is done, let it sit for about 10 minutes. While it is sitting, dice up two avocados and red onion and place in bowl with dressing.

Cube up tuna into bite-size chunks. Place in bowl. Then finely dice the dill and gently mix all ingredients together to coat with dressing.

Serve immediately. And enjoy!


Have a great weekend - see you Monday!


  • Real Parents. Real Food. Real Fun.

    Welcome to Adventures in Drool! Talking about green living, getting rid of plastics and toxic chemicals in our homes and raising happy kids on a budget. Join the conversation ( and don't forget to Like us on Facebook!

    Rachel Swick Mavity, author of the blog, lives with a reformed drooler (Droolface), who at age 3 loves to get muddy, drink homemade smoothies, giggle and flirt with old ladies. Her current drooler (Birdy) enjoys spitting up on work clothes and leaving drool trails as a way of showing her love.

    Mavity previously worked as a journalist for seven years at newspapers from Pennsylvania to Maryland and Delaware. In Sussex County she worked for several newspapers, including the Cape Gazette. She lives in Lewes with her husband, Ryan Mavity, their son, "Droolface," and daughter, "Birdy." 


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