
A Picture Inside of a Picture

June 19, 2012

I saw these Out-of-United-Staters while on the way to the bus. The girl was drawing her two friends as I walked by, and so I circled round again till she was finished, not wanting to interrupt her. I did not know they were from Europe until I heard her say, "A photo...?  Okay!" with a light accent. They were pleasantly surprised and laughed while I kept asking her to re-position herself and stand closer to her subjects. There was mild confusion when I asked her to move just the drawing to the right, but really, the whole process was all laughs and smiles.

I'm sure they don't get asked for a photo everyday, but then again, who does? I love seeing photographs of random people above the smutty pictures of famous actors, actresses, musicians and so on. Such photos get tiring after awhile, which is one of the reasons this blog exists. I had always loved people-watching, so why not capture what I love in a photo?

There is a bit of an underground movement in this type of blog, so please let me know if you wish to see more from around the world. I have a few blogs up my sleeve.

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