
Summer Series 22-year record broken by field of 436

June 29, 2012

The Eighth Annual Jungle Jim’s 5K Run broke a 22-year Seashore Striders Summer Series record with runners of all shapes and sizes showing up for the popular 5K run, which dropped them directly into the wave pool. The race brought out 436 entries, with 422 of them finishers.

The event broke the record set just one week earlier at the Father's Day 5K with 404 participants.

“For the second week in a row, we have attracted record numbers, and we even had our best turnout in years at Sunday’s Bill Degnan 5K,” said Dr. Lee Masser.

New Balance presents a gift certificate for a free new pair of shoes to the male and female winners in a surprise age group each week, and this time around it was the 9 & under age group as the lucky winner.

Running and racing in the heat

Donna Summer sang “Hot Stuff” while Foreigner owned “Hot Blooded." Rod Stewart sang “Hot Legs” while Billy Idol sang “Hot in the City.” Asia had “Heat of the Moment” and Glen Frey “The Heat is On.”

What do these songs have in common? You guessed it - running and racing will be hot this weekend in Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach.

I found an informative article on heat running by Christine Luff on that I want to share:

Running in heat and humidity can put you at risk for dehydration, heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses. Common sense is the key to avoiding problems, so be sure to follow these precautions:

Stay hydrated. The easiest way to avoid heat disorders is to keep your body hydrated. This means drinking fluids before, during and after exercise. In training, drink before workouts and make sure you have access to fluids if exercising longer than 30 minutes.

Choose clothing carefully. Light-colored, loose-fitting clothing will help your body breathe and cool itself down naturally. Tight clothing restricts that process, and dark colors absorb the sun's light and heat. Wear synthetic fabrics (not cotton) because they will wick moisture away from your skin so cooling evaporation can occur.

Run early or late. Avoid running between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun's intensity is at its greatest. If you must train during those hours, try to stick to shady roads or trails. Morning (before sunrise or right after) is the coolest time of the day to run since the roads have not heated up during the day.

Wear sunscreen to protect your skin with a waterproof sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 15 and offers broad spectrum protection, which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Stick formulations are good for runners' faces because the sunscreen won't run into your eyes.

Don't push it.  On a race day (or during any intense workout), take weather conditions into account. Brutal heat and humidity mean you should scale back your performance goals. Don't try to beat the heat. Hot and humid conditions are not the time to try to push your pace. Slow down, take walking breaks, and save your hard efforts for cooler weather.

Make a splash. Use water to cool yourself during runs. If you are overheating, splashing water on your head and body will cool you down quickly and have a lasting effect as the water evaporates from your skin.
Be educated. You should be very familiar with the signs of heat problems so you recognize them in yourself or in a running partner. If you feel faint, dizzy, disoriented, have stopped sweating, or your skin is cool and clammy, slow down or stop running, and get some fluids. If symptoms continue, sit or lie down in the shade and seek help.

Danahy qualifies for Kona

Local triathlete Kevin Danahy competed in Ironman Couer d'Alene June 24 and finished third in his age group and in the top 30 overall. Danahy did the swim in 59 minutes, bike in 5 hours and 35 minutes, and run in 3:10.0, qualifying for the Ironman World Championships Oct. 13 in Kona. Danahy will join another TriCoach athlete, Jared Tootell, who qualified last year in Ironman Mexico. Danahy had to sprint the last quarter mile to pass two athletes in his age group. “Not a fun way to finish an Ironman,” said Danahy.

Upcoming races

7:30 a.m., Saturday, June 30,  22nd Beach Paper 5K Run & Walk, Grove Park, Rehoboth Beach.

8 a.m., Sunday, July 1, 22nd Dave Reynolds Swim/Run Biathlon, Rehoboth Beach Patrol Headquarters, Rehoboth Beach.

8 a.m., Sunday, July 1, 10th Rusty Rudder 5K, Rusty Rudder, Dewey Beach.

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